Spring Fling
The Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Spring Fling will be held Saturday, April 12, 2025, at the Sheraton Refuge Hotel in Flowood.
This event is specifically designed for medical students and residents. It’s a great opportunity to network while gaining exposure to speakers, topics and procedural skills you might not have access to during medical school or residency training. There’s no charge to attend, but you do need to be a member of MAFP. To join, please complete the Student Membership Application and email it to Caley Dawkins at
This meeting is held in connection with MAFP’s Spring Conference. Practicing physicians will be present attending their own CME sessions.
Student Membership Application
Student & Resident Board Member Elections
Students and residents have the opportunity to run for Resident Board Member or Student Board Member. You must be present to run. Campaign speeches will be given and the election will take place on Saturday. There will be a New Board Member Orientation during the conference. Online Application and Campaign Rules.
Location of Event:
Sheraton Refuge Hotel in Flowood, MS
Hotel Accommodations:
Saturday night hotel rooms will be provided at the Sheraton for out of town students and residents. On your registration, please list names of possible roommates (of the same gender).
Look back on 2024:
2024 Resident Topics:
How Family Physicians Get Paid
Debt Management and Financial Planning
Medical Marijuana 101
Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
New Physicians Panel
2024 Student Topics:
Interviewing Tips & Secrets
Exploring the Specialty of Family Medicine
What to Look For in a Residency
Medical Marijuana 101
M4 Panel
Application for Academy Ambassador – As Academy Ambassadors, students interested in family medicine join MAFP for its Annual Meeting in Sandestin, Florida, July 19-23. Ambassadors help staff the meeting while meeting other medical students and physicians. Application deadline May 1, 2025.