Professional Development
All about CME
Member CME Requirements: As a condition of continued membership in AAFP/MAFP, active and supporting (FP) members are required to report at least 150 credits of approved CME every three calendar years (75 AAFP Prescribed credits and 25 credits from live activities). This period is called a re-election cycle. Members meeting this requirement are “re-elected” and those members not meeting the requirement are cancelled.
How to Report Your CME: AAFP allows reporting online by search, by category (live, self-study, self-directed, non-CME), and by printing out a form and either mailing it or faxing it.
Report Your CME Activities with “Primary +” Member Benefit: The AAFP’s Primary + feature allows members to report CME online, log procedures performed, and track your progress toward your required number of hours.
AAFP’s CME Main Page: Search for CME by topic, location, time of the year, and type of offering (live, self-study, subscription, etc.). Members can also prepare for their boards, maintain certification, and enhance clinical skills with family medicine CME produced by the AAFP, and view their CME and record and report their CME on this interactive section of the AAFP website.
Prescribed Credits
Prescribed credits are designated for activities that are designed primarily for physicians. Content is directly related to patient care, patient care delivery or certain non-clinical topics. A family physician who is a MAFP/AAFP active or life member must be directly involved in the planning of the activity to ensure the content is relevant to the specialty of Family Medicine.
Examples of Prescribed Credit:
– CME activities for which application has been made to the AAFP Commission on Continuing Professional Development (COCPD) that have been approved for AAFP Prescribed credit
– Instruction of health professions learners in formal individual (preceptorships) or live educational formats
– Most life support courses (ALSO, ACLS, ATLS, BLS, NALS, PALS)
– Publication of original scientific or socioeconomic research pertaining to patient care, or public or community health
– American Family Physician and Family Practice Management journal quizzes
– Most activities produced by the AAFP
– Participation in clinical research studies
– Peer review of manuscripts for journals listed in Medline
– Question writing for tests and/or examination
– Some point-of-care learning
– Activities designated as Mainpro-M1 by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)
Report your CME
Report, track and plan your CME all in one place. It’s quick, easy and accessible to all MAFP/AAFP members. Members can:
– Customize your CME record profile
– Keep all of your CME in one spot
– Visit frequently to keep up with hours
– Update any time
– Plan CME by topic
The AAFP offers 5 convenient ways to report your CME:
- Report your CME online. You will need your AAFP username and password to access the secure site.
- Fax your completed CME reporting form or certificate of participation to (913) 906-6075.
- Call the AAFP Contact Center at (800) 274-2237 (8:00 am–5:30 pm CT).
- Mail your completed form to the Contact Center, 11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway, Leawood, KS 66211-2672.
- Complete the post-test or quiz from AAFP-produced self-study programs, such as American Family Physician, Family Practice Management, FP Essentials, FP Audio, and CME Bulletin. CME credit is added to your transcript on the date the post-test or quiz is completed.
- (To ensure the accuracy of your CME record, please make sure handwritten information is complete and legible.)